
Back to School Night, Pick Up/Drop Off Updates, Traffic Volunteers, Dollar Free Dress, & More!

Back to School Night – Please mark your calendars for BTSN on Wednesday, September 21st. Principal’s welcome and teacher introductions at 5:45. Class presentations begin at 6:00pm and again at 6:30.

Before school playground rules -Students attended assemblies this week to review the school rules and expectations. We covered everything from uniform policy, before and after school, to recesses and lunchtime. I do want to point out that students should not play with any balls or playground equipment before the start of the school day. There is also no running around on the blacktop before school. Students should be in line waiting for the bell to ring. 

Pick Up/Drop Off Update –Students are not to be dropped off before 7:30 am. If you arrive at school before 7:30, please park and wait with your student until 7:30 am when the gates are opened. If you’re finding the lot to be congested around 7:50 – 8:00, try coming a little earlier. There is excess capacity in both the parking lot and drop-off lane between 7:30 – 7:45 am each morning.

There is no student drop off or pick up on O Street. Vehicles should NOT enter O Street to drop off in the morning or collect students in the afternoon. Please help us be good neighbors and respect the residents of O Street by following this rule.

We desperately need more traffic volunteers in the morning and especially in the afternoon. Even if you can only volunteer one day a week, it would be greatly appreciated. Sign up to volunteer at this link

Dollar Free Dress – We need additional bike racks. Help us raise funds for them by bringing a dollar or more next Friday, September 23rd. That dollar buys your child a no uniform day pass. 


Jogathon – It’s the Phoebe Hearst annual Jog-a-thon fundraiser. If you’re new to Phoebe Hearst get ready! Your student(s) are coming home with a fundraising packet to collect donations from friends, family, neighbors, and local businesses who can sponsor their running at the Jog-a-Thon. Funds raised fully support our art program with Ms. Jane, fund classroom enrichment, field trips, and will kick start a new music program! Stay tuned for that. The more students fundraise, the more prizes they earn. There are some cool prizes!

Donations can be made super easily online – just share this link with friends and family, or visit our website here:

Please be sure to submit your student’s clothing sizes for their prizes here. The attached flier provides all the information about the prizes and how to donate online. 

All donations are due Friday, September 23. 

The Jog-a-Thon is Friday, October 21

Bike Bus – If you want to ride your bike to school with an awesome group of Phoebe Dragons, just get in touch with Megan Fidell at and she will connect you. The next official Bike Bus Week is October 3rd – 7th. There is a Bike Bus orientation at East Portal Park at 4pm on October 2nd. Hope you can join! Here’s a little secret…I know of a principal that plans to ride his bike that Friday! More info can be found here!

LCFF Forms
Families play a critical role in ensuring our Sac City Unified schools are properly funded. Although all students receive free meals regardless of income, the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) application still determines how much funding our district receives. You can help our school community by completing the LCFF application by October 31, 2022. It only takes a few minutes for you to help us protect critical funding for our students! Even if you know that you won’t qualify it is still imperative that you complete the application

• Fill out one application per household, whether online or paper, by October 31, 2022. The online application is also available in district-supported languages.

• Families who wish to complete the paper application will receive it in their student’s Back to School packet. Please return the completed application to their school’s front office.

• If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or visit

Parking – Please do not park on Folsom Blvd. It’s not safe for you nor your child(ren). Park in the neighborhood (not O Street), not in front of driveways or the white zone, or in the school parking lot. 

Traffic Volunteers – We are in need of volunteers to help with traffic, specifically in the afternoon. If you’re interested please email [email protected]

Picture Day – Lastly, hit the stores and schedule the hair appointments!!! Picture day is Friday, September 30th.

Doyal Martin

Dine & Donate, Jogathon Kickoff, Bike Bus, LCFF Forms, & more

Dine Out Night: Way to go Dragons – our first dine to donate event was a big success! Thank you to all the families who ordered at Chipotle Wednesday Night. We raised almost $500 for our school.

If you missed the fundraiser, don’t fret!  Mark your calendars for our next one Wednesday, September 28th at Smashburger. Thank you for supporting our school! 

Jogathon – Today kicks off the Phoebe Hearst annual Jog-a-thon fundraiser. If you’re new to Phoebe Hearst get ready! Your student(s) are coming home with a fundraising packet to collect donations from friends, family, neighbors, and local businesses who can sponsor their running at the Jog-a-Thon. Funds raised fully support our art program with Ms. Jane, fund classroom enrichment and field trips, and will kick start a new music program! Stay tuned for that. The more students fundraise, the more prizes they earn. There are some cool prizes!

Donations can be made super easily online – just share this link with friends and family, or visit our website here:

Please be sure to submit your student’s clothing sizes for their prizes here. The attached flier provides all the information about the prizes and how to donate online. 
All donations are due Friday, September 23. 
The Jog-a-Thon is Friday, October 21

Bike Bus – The first Bike Bus was held this week and it was a great time for those riding to school together. Lots of students and families ride together, Bike Bus or not. If you want to ride your bike to school with an awesome group of Phoebe Dragons, just get in touch with Megan Fidell at (916) 346-6354 and she will connect you. The next official Bike Bus Week will be October 3rd – 7th. There will be a Bike Bus orientation at East Portal Park at 4pm on October 2nd. Hope you can join! Here’s a little secret…I know of a principal that plans to ride his bike that Friday!

LCFF Forms
Families play a critical role in ensuring our Sac City Unified schools are properly funded. Although all students receive free meals regardless of income, the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) application still determines how much funding our district receives. You can help our school community by completing the LCFF application by October 31, 2022. It only takes a few minutes for you to help us protect critical funding for our students! Even if you know that you won’t qualify it is still imperative that you complete the application

• Fill out one application per household, whether online or paper, by October 31, 2022. The online application is also available in district-supported languages.

• Families who wish to complete the paper application will receive it in their student’s Back to School packet. Please return the completed application to their school’s front office.

• If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or visit

Flag Football Coach Needed – College football is back! The NFL is back! More importantly, the SCUSD Flag Football league is back. If you would like to coach our flag football team please email me at [email protected]

School Site Council – There are four available spots for the School Site Council. Please read this for more information about SSC. To nominate yourself or another person please complete this form.

Parking – Please do not park on Folsom Blvd. It’s not safe for you nor your child(ren). Park in the neighborhood, not in front of driveways or the white zone, or in the school parking lot. 

Traffic Volunteers – We are in need of volunteers to help with traffic, specifically in the afternoon. If you’re interested please email [email protected]

PTO General Meeting – The PTO General Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 15th at 6pm in the Phoebe Hearst Cafeteria.

Back to School Night – Please mark your calendars for BTSN on Wednesday, September 21st. Time to be confirmed soon. 

Picture Day – Lastly, hit the stores and schedule the hair appointments!!! Picture day is Friday, September 30th.

Doyal Martin

Lunchtime & Traffic Volunteers, Managing the Heat, Spirit Wear Store, & More

Welcome back! We had an amazing first couple days of school. Students, staff, and teachers were very excited to be back on campus. The return of morning announcements with families on campus was huge. The turnout for the first day’s coffee was full of energy. We are looking forward to a great school year.

Labor Day – Two days of school were exhausting. Please take an extra day and enjoy a three-day weekend. See you on Tuesday.

Lunch Help – Our 1st and 2nd graders are learning to use the salad becoming reacclimated with carrying their lunch trays to the tables. It takes them a little bit longer because they are learning. Teachers are spending a portion of their lunch break waiting for the kids to get their lunch and sit down. If you are able to volunteer at lunch to relieve the teachers please call the office. The times needed would be from 11:00am to 12:00. Any time you can help would be appreciated. 

Parking – Please do not park on Folsom Blvd. It’s not safe for you nor your child(ren). Park in the neighborhood, not in front of driveways or the white zone, or in the school parking lot. 

Traffic Volunteers – We are in need of volunteers to help with traffic, specifically in the afternoon. If you’re interested please email [email protected]

It’s HOT! – Temperatures are exceeding 100 degrees! We have misters going throughout the day and plan to add more. Misters can’t prevent heat exhaustion. Please encourage your child to drink water!

Online Store – There is one more week to order some awesome Phoebe Hearst hats, shirts, sweatshirts, and more! To order visit

Movie Night – PTA presents the return of PHOEBE HEARST MOVIE NIGHTS! See you Friday, September 9th at 6pm on the soccer field.

PTO General Meeting – The PTO General Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 15th at 6pm in the Phoebe Hearst Cafeteria.

Back to School Night – Please mark your calendars for BTSN on Wednesday, September 21st. Time to be confirmed soon. 

Picture Day – Lastly, hit the stores and schedule the hair appointments!!! Picture day is Friday, September 30th.

Have a great three-day weekend!
Doyal Martin

Drop off and Pick Up Procedures, Early Release Thursday, Traffic & Parking Updates, Class Lists

Hello Families and Friends of Phoebe Hearst,

Drop off and Pick Up Procedures for 2022/2023
We are excited to welcome parents back on campus this year!
Before school your children will line up on the blacktop at their room numbers. Families and guardians are welcome to join them for our principal’s first morning announcements of the year. After which please join the PTO and others for the return of our First Day Coffee.

After school, at the dismissal bell, our gates will open and parents are welcome to wait on the blacktop for their child’s class to be released. Please do not go to your child’s class to wait for them to exit. Stay on the blacktop and your children will come out to you. 

Don’t forget that our first day of school is an early release day
Kinder – 8:00am – 12:40pm
1st – 3rd – 8:00am – 1:02pm
4th – 6th – 8:00am – 1:17pm

Traffic and Parking Updates
Our parking lot is improved for a safer drop-off and pick-up experience. Check out the new parking procedures and get information on how to sign-up to help out the Phoebe Hearst Traffic Volunteer Team.

Class Lists 2022/2023:
Class placement lists will be available for viewing this afternoon at 3:00pm at and outside the office .  You will need a password view the class lists. Please do not post the password or share the lists on any social media to ensure the confidentiality of our students. 
Class Lists – Phoebe A. Hearst Elementary School (
Please check your email for the password.

Art On Campus, & Dragon Digest

Art On Campus

Have you seen the new and improved kinder wall? Check out the mural, beautifully done by Haley Titus, and sponsored by the PTO.

We think it’s a wonderful way to welcome our incoming kinders, and all of our returning students!

Make sure you stop by and get your first day of school snapshot in front of it!
For more information about Haley’s artwork, and her new collection, click here.


Dragon Digest – Tales from the Lair

Check out our new principals first bulletin, here!

Keep an eye out for future bulletins, sent out via email, or under News on the websites navigation menu.