
Boo-Grams & Spirit Day on 10/31

BooGrams are back!

And will be on sale from Wednesday, October 23rd to Monday, October 28th!

The Student Council will be selling them from 7:30-7:55 before school and during lunch recess.

Each BooGram costs just 50 cents (cash only). Students can have them sent to friends, classmates, and our amazing staff members.

They will be delivered with a little treat on Halloween. Part of the funds raised will go towards hosting our Intermediate Dance this winter.

Find us before school near the front gate (by the flagpole), and during lunch by the cafeteria!

Come in your favorite orange, black, or purple on Halloween, for a very fun spooky season Spirit Day!

No costumes please!

Jog A Thon 2024

Envelopes went home with your student(s) on Friday for the jog-a-thon! Your student can collect donations from friends, family, neighbors, and local businesses who can sponsor their running at the jog-a-thon.

Donations can be made online here, or sent in your child’s envelope (due Sept 13). 

Please submit your student’s sizing here. Even if you’re not sure if/how many prizes your student earned, PLEASE submit your student’s sizing.

Funds raised support our art program with Ms. Jane and our growing music program, fund classroom enrichment and field trips, and continue to support our outdoor learning environments on campus. 

We can’t wait to get our hearts pumping and run with all of our dragons, Friday, October 11!

Welcome to Week 2!

Here’s a quick recap of important information from our first week of school, and events/happenings to look forward to!

Back to School 2024/2025

Well hello PHE community!
There’s so much activity on campus, everyone is working hard to get ready for the new school year. Between our garden revamp, custodial team cleaning up a storm, teachers setting up their classrooms, admin along with office staff and the PTO planning all of our school year kickoff events… it is BUSY down at Phoebe.

We are all so excited to start a new year with our fabulous community!
Check out these important updates: