Grant Writer – Phoebe Hearst Elementary is seeking the skills of a talented grant writer to pursue exciting funding opportunities. If you are a grant writer or have experience writing grants please contact me via email or a phone call.
Compost Continues – Our compost campaign in partnership with BREATHE CA kicked off this week in great fashion. Our students are doing a great job separating their food and non-food materials before they end up in the waste bin. Please encourage your kids to keep it up!
Read Across America Spirit Week – We are celebrating the importance and joy of reading through the Read Across America Spirit Week. Please see the following graphic to learn the theme of each day.

Talent Show Over the last week, Mr. H. and his team have been sorting through all the amazing tryouts for our upcoming Talent Show and They are finalizing the list. They are checking it twice. Very soon they will tell us who’s performing or not. Because Phoebe’s Got Talent is coming to town!
Mr. Isaac sends his thanks – As you read in the email on Wednesday, Mr. Isaac spent his birthday participating in a 12-bike stationary bike ride to raise money for the Sacramento YMCA. His goal was to raise $10,000 by 6 pm on February 23 rd, but thanks to all the Dragons who dug deep and helped out, Mr. Isaac was able to raise over $18,000 during his 8 th annual bike-a-thon! He asked me to tell you how much he appreciates all of your support. If you still want to contribute, visit
Behavior on Playground – Our Dragons are amazing and phenomenal. But there is always room for improvement and we need your assistance. Please have a conversation at home with your students about making positive choices while on the playground. This includes but is not limited to keeping hands to yourself, keeping away from locations that aren’t supervised, not bringing toys and other inappropriate items from home, and being kind to one another. Ideally, I would like to hire additional staff to help with supervision but the budget does not allow it. Please remind your Dragons about making positive choices and following school rules.
The Wizard of Oz is coming to Phoebe! Signups are open for the Young Actor’s Stage production of the Wizard of Oz. Auditions are March 6th and 8th and rehearsals will be at Phoebe Hearst on Mondays and Wednesdays beginning March 20th, right after school. There is a cost to participate in this program. Space is limited so don’t wait to get registered. You can sign up here:
Volunteers to Lead Recess Clubs – One of the most difficult times for kids is unstructured time. This is JUST AN IDEA. I’d like to create small structured clubs to be run by mostly parents during lunch. For example, board games club, Pokemon club, chess club, chalk club, hula hoop club, and jump rope club. The goal is to give kids who struggle with unstructured time an opportunity to participate in a structured activity that is managed and supervised by an adult. You wouldn’t need to be an expert. You would just need to be willing to supervise a small group of kids. Like I said this is just an idea that I would like to see if there is any interest and willing volunteers. Any volunteer would need to be fingerprinted and cleared through the district. If you are interested please complete this Google Form.
Girls on the Run is back for its spring season! Registration is open for all 3rd-5th grade girls. Space is limited to just 20 girls. Register here.
The season will start the week of March 6th and end the week of May 15 th. The GOTR 5k will be on May 20. Practices are on campus on Tuesdays from 2:30-4pm and Thursdays from 1:30-3pm.
Phoebe Hearst Yearbook – Students who wish to purchase a yearbook can do so now by visiting this link. Early pricing is just $22 a copy. Don’t forget to use reference Job # 10652223 when ordering.
The Event – Phoebe A. Hearst Elementary School ( It’s the party you can’t nor want to miss! Mark your calendars for Friday, April 14th.
Tickets go on sale March 1, 2023 at 7:00 am. There are ONLY 250 tickets available. The first 50 tickets sold will sell for $50. After the first 50, tickets will sell for $75. The link to buy tickets will be posted at, Facebook, and in Friday’s weekly announcements until they are sold out.
The PTO is in need of donation items for the silent and live auctions. If you own a business or have a connection to a local business please reach out to [email protected]. The proceeds from The Event go to help support our STEM, music and arts program.