PDF Forms For Printing:
Phoebe Hearst Volunteer Check List Thank you for volunteering! For the safety of our students the following items are required by the district and must be on file before volunteering at Phoebe Hearst. Forms are available online or in the school office. Registration Form TB test/x-ray verification or Health Risk Assessment form completed by a medical professional (every 4 years). Mandated Reporter Training Certificate of Completion (every 2 years). Completed at www.mandatedreporterca.com. Please complete the Volunteer training and send a screenshot of the completion date to [email protected]. Volunteering Fingerprinting and Criminal Background Clearance OR current fingerprints on file with SCUSD. Fingerprinting is available by appointment at Serna (916-643-9050) or by walk-in at any Capital Live Scan. Capital Live Scan will charge a roll fee on top of the DOJ and FBI fees. Fingerprint clearance can take up to 6 weeks. We advise fingerprinting early in the school year if you plan on volunteering. Your fingerprint clearance is valid as long as your child stays in the SCUSD and you do not have more than a 6 month lapse in service. FIELD TRIP DRIVERS should also provide the following: Release of Driver Record Information form and a copy of your driver’s license. Volunteer Automobile Use form. Current Auto Insurance Declaration page. The declaration page should show covered driver(s), covered auto(s), policy effective dates, and coverage limits. SCUSD requires a minimum coverage of 100,000/300,000 liability, 50,000 property damage. Proof of insurance card is not sufficient. This list is also available to print here: PHE Volunteer Checklist |