Spirit Week December 19th-23rd – Monday is the beginning of Phoebe Hearst Winter Spirit Week!

Students can express their creative side by participating in any or all of the daily themes. Students who choose not to participate should continue to follow our dress code. Let’s see you put your best holiday cheer forward, Dragons! Monday is Holiday Sweater Day. The rest of the week’s themes can be found in the email and the website.
Shortened Day – Friday, December 23rd – Parents, don’ t forget the last day school day of 2022 is a shortened day. Please make the appropriate plans to pick up your students according to their shortened day dismissal time. Dismissal times for Friday, December 23rd:
Kindergarten – 11:40am
Primary Grades (1-3) – 12:10pm
Intermediate Grades (4-6) – 12:24pm
Open Enrollment Tours – We are hosting in-person, on-campus tours on the three last consecutive Tuesdays in January. Each tour begins promptly at 9 am. Families can sign up for a tour on the 17th, 24th, or the 31st by visiting phoebehearst.org/school-tours.
Phoebe Hearst Yearbook – Students who wish to purchase a yearbook can do so now by visiting the link below. Early pricing is just $22 a copy. Don’t forget to use reference Job # 10652223 when ordering. Click here for our yearbook.
East Sac Little League Registration – Play ball! Registration is now open for both Baseball and Softball . Sign up today and maybe you’ll end up on the best team of all time, the Padres!
PTO General Meeting – Save the date! The Next PTO General Meeting is January 10, 2023. More information coming soon.
Spelling Bee – There were some very busy spelling beeees on campus the past two weeks. Just shy of 200 students participated in the first round of competition! Grade-level oral competition concluded this week and we have our top spellers moving to the finals and our school wide event in mid-January. Please check your email for a list of our top spellers.
TK/Kindergarten Open Enrollment Registration – The SCUSD open enrollment period for transitional kindergarten and kindergarten is February 1, 2023, through February 15, 2023. Find out more information at www.scusd.edu/kindergarten-registration
GATE testing – 1st and 3rd grades will begin GATE testing on January 10, 2023.
Lastly, Sunday evening begins the first day of Hanukkah. Happy Hanukkah to our Phoebe families and friends who celebrate the holiday. Have a wonderful weekend.