Summer Matters, Library, & Traffic Safety

As we enter this Memorial Day weekend, our hearts are heavy with news of the tragedy that happened at Uvalde Elementary School in Texas.  The grief and sadness for the loss of innocent lives is unimaginable.  I appreciate the families that have reached out about site safety and how to help.  Phoebe Hearst is one of the safest sites in SCUSD as we are fully fenced with locked gates during school hours.  One of our SCUSD school psychologists shared parent resources for families that would like further support.  

Summer Matters
SCUSD Summer Matters school sites have now been confirmed and applications are now officially live. Unfortunately, Phoebe Hearst is not on the list for Summer Matters and we will not be running a fee-based program. However, there are many other nearby school sites on the list!  The link below will take you to the Youth Development Website where you can sign your student up for Summer Program. The applications will be due by June 10th.

Library Books Due
Next week is the last week for school library. All Phoebe
Hearst library books should be returned by Friday, June 3 rd.

It’s Hot!
We are out of cups for our drinking fountains.  Please send your child with a water bottle so they can stay hydrated in this hot weather. Thank you!

Traffic Safety
Help needed with traffic counts

Our Traffic Safety Committee is collecting data in and around our parking lot to put real numbers to the volume and movement of cars during dropoff and pickup. If you can help take traffic counts before or after school next week (May 31 – June 3), please reach out to [email protected].

Phoebe Bike Bus
We had such a good week on the Bike Bus! We got new riders and all our bikers got stronger. It is always so fun to ride in a group. Together, Phoebe Hearst students rode more than 400 miles on the Bike Bus in May. It is going so well that we are going to keep it up until the end of the school year. That’s right – June is also Bike Month! If your child wants to ride with us, they do not need a parent to join. We have enough adults to help all of our riders. Join us at 7:30 am at 35th and M St, or anywhere on M St as we ride by.